This week saw the publication of the government’s industrial strategy white paper, it is an interesting insight into the minds of Ministers but is long on policy direction and short on detail.

The aims are all very worthy – improving our productivity, supporting innovation and exporting, providing better access to suitable finance for these activities and support for growing businesses in particular.

The intention to improve infrastructure including transport and roads as well as broadband connectivity are also welcome.

There is an intention to pump more money through the British Business Bank to provide more flexible finance as well as a substantial sum to go into Innovation support and growing our skills base. Inspire will be working closely with local and national government to help to shape the roll out of these plans and will be involving our clients in that process as well as supporting them

to access these new opportunities to grow their businesses.

The strategy can be read in full at

Locally, there is still a wealth of support to scale up growth businesses and we are anticipating further financial investment from government to aid with this. We are finalising our events programme for next year and will publish all the dates with you in the next week or so – get your diaries at the ready!

© Copyright 2018 The Wessex Association of Chambers of Commerce t/a Inspire

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